Mawlana Abdol Hamid in Zahedan Friday Sermon:

The Middle East is Moving Toward New Developments and Conditions

Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid, during today’s (January 17, 2025) Friday prayers in Zahedan, referred to “new developments and conditions in the Middle East” and recommended that the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran adopt “new policies to lift sanctions and threats” and to “engage with the entire world.”

The Gaza Ceasefire Brought Joy to People Around the World
According to the official website of the Office of the Sunni Friday Imam of Zahedan, Mawlana Abdol Hamid initially referred to the Gaza ceasefire agreement and said:
“The ceasefire between Israel and Gaza, which many large and small governments worked to achieve, is a major development and a cause for joy. It would have been better if the ceasefire had occurred in the early days, preventing the deaths of nearly 50,000 Palestinians—most of whom were women and children—and avoiding this level of destruction and widespread devastation.”
He added:
“Nonetheless, it is still a matter of relief that the ceasefire was established and further human and financial losses were avoided. This ceasefire brought joy to the people of Gaza and the entire world.”

Both Parties Must Adhere to the Ceasefire
The Friday Imam of Zahedan further advised the parties to “adhere to the ceasefire agreement” and stated:
“Our recommendation to both sides is to remain committed to the ceasefire and to implement all the terms of the agreement to prevent further issues from arising.”
He emphasized:
“We hope for permanent and sustainable peace in the future, allowing the oppressed people of Palestine to achieve their rightful demands.”

Officials Should Enter the New Middle East Conditions with New Policies
Mawlana Abdol Hamid continued by speaking about the “recent developments in the Middle East” and said:
“Considering the recent events in the Middle East, specific and unique conditions have arisen in this region, and new developments are unfolding.”
He added:
“Many countries are adapting themselves to these new conditions and developments. It is appropriate for the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran to also consider these new circumstances in their policies to prevent new challenges for the country.”
He stated:
“Iran faces many enemies and opponents, necessitating that officials adopt new policies and mechanisms to avoid war and additional sanctions. Today, the people are besieged by economic problems; the currency has lost its value, and inflation and rising prices, combined with drought, have created severe pressure on the populace. The people of Iran can no longer bear more hardships, and the existing challenges must be alleviated.”

Officials Should NOT Rely Solely on a Single Faction that HIDES the TRUTH
“What Harm is there in Holding a ‘Referendum’ to Solve Certain Issues?
The Friday Imam of Zahedan stated:
“Even prophets needed consultation; Almighty Allah, in the verse ‘And consult them in matters’ (Quran 3:159), instructed the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to consult with his companions. Officials and decision-makers should not consult only a particular group that conceals problems and the truth but should instead seek the advice of those who provide candid opinions.”
He added:
“Apart from ministry officials, department heads, and parliament members, there are knowledgeable individuals among academics, seminarians, businesspeople, and other segments of society who can offer good advice and recommendations.”
The Friday Imam emphasized:
“What harm is there in holding a ‘referendum’ to solve certain issues and problems when decision-making proves challenging? Many countries around the world do this.”

The Iranian Nation Desires “Engagement With the Entire World”
Mawlana Abdol Hamid emphasized:
“Our recommendation is that officials engage and dialogue with the East, West, Islamic, and non-Islamic countries—with the entire world. The Iranian nation desires engagement with the world. Channels of negotiation and dialogue must be opened.”
He asserted:
“Serious measures must be taken to prevent sanctions and other plans and conspiracies because this concerns the survival of the country. The best policy is to yield to the people’s demands.”

Officials MUST NOT Sign “Strategic Agreements” with Any Country; the Nation’s Independence Must Be Preserved
Referring to the president’s visit to Russia, Mawlana Abdol Hamid said:
“Our recommendation to the officials is not to sign strategic agreements with any country, especially defense agreements, as they are detrimental and harmful to the country. Of course, there is no problem with signing ordinary agreements or agreements that serve the economic interests of the people and the nation.”
He continued:
“‘Preserving independence’ is among the most significant and vital interests of the country. Engage with the East, the West, China, Russia, the U.S., Europe, and other nations of the world; our country’s interest lies in such engagement, but do not let the nation become dependent on any country.”

In the Case of “Zahedan’s Bloody Friday,” We Seek Justice
The Public Should Not Worry; The Bloody Friday Case is Under Investigation

Mawlana Abdol Hamid addressed the latest court ruling on Zahedan’s Bloody Friday case, stating:
“Recently, news titled as a court ruling regarding Bloody Friday has been published in cyberspace, which has caused concern and surprise. Many have wondered why we have not commented on the matter thus far.”
He noted:
“What has been published online, according to the statement of the Chief Justice of Sistan and Baluchistan Province, is a response to a question posed to him. He simply stated the ruling that has been issued, and all parties are supposed to sit together in the presence of scholars and experts to ensure no one’s rights are infringed upon.”

From Our Perspective, the Bloody Friday Case Requires “Retribution”; Those Who Ordered the Incident Must Be Tried
Mawlana Abdol Hamid continued:
“The initial ruling issued by the court on the Bloody Friday case was challenged by the lawyers of the martyrs’ families based on constitutional law. At that time, we also voiced our concerns during sermons, emphasizing that this case, in our view, entails ‘retribution.’ Of course, our primary emphasis is on ensuring that ‘justice’ is upheld. When judgments are made justly, everyone will accept them.”
The Friday Imam added:
“After the initial ruling, we proposed that scholars from both sects, including judges, lawyers, and experts, sit together and deliberate. If you convince us that retribution is not applicable, we will convince the public, explaining why it is not applicable. Alternatively, if we persuade you of the necessity of retribution, it should be carried out. This meeting was supposed to take place, and we pursued it, but the officials of that time refused to participate, leaving the matter unresolved.”
He further emphasized:
“A previously mentioned point that remains the public’s demand is that those who ordered this incident must also be brought to trial, and no one should be shown leniency.”

Regarding the Issuance of a New Decree, Discussions Have Been Held with the Provincial Chief Justice to Ensure Justice
Mawlana Abdol Hamid stated:
“Now that the Bloody Friday case has resurfaced in cyberspace, we have conveyed our perspective and opinion in writing to the officials. Furthermore, discussions have been held with Hojjat al-Islam Mowhadi-Rad, the respected Chief Justice of the province, who is well-versed in both jurisprudence and constitutional law, as well as with other officials. A meeting is to be convened with the presence of all parties, including the Chief Justice, judges, lawyers, and experts, to address the case in a manner that ensures no one’s rights are violated.”
He reiterated:
“To summarize, there is no cause for concern; the case is still under investigation, and the critical point is that the rights of the victims’ families and the wounded must be fully observed and their satisfaction achieved.”

The Iranian Nation Is Concerned and Upset About the Rise in Executions
In the final part of his speech, the Friday Imam of Zahedan reacted to new “execution” rulings and said:
“Recently, the death sentence for several individuals, including some women, has been issued. Our well-meaning advice is that the previous policies, especially regarding executions, should cease in favor of a shift toward the nation.”
He added:
“The Iranian nation, as well as other nations worldwide, are troubled and concerned about these executions. Officials must refrain from actions that wound the sentiments of the Iranian people.”

Political Executions, Especially Women’s, Are “Dangerous”
Mawlana Abdol Hamid emphasized:
“Political executions, particularly those of women, and executions related to drug offenses are dangerous. Executions for ‘retribution’ are justified, but other executions that are not divinely mandated and were not practiced during the early Islamic era—rather based on certain interpretations and jurisprudential views—should be stopped. These interpretations face widespread opposition, and halting such executions would alleviate the concerns of both the Iranian nation and the international community.”

“Your Wealth and Children Should Not Distract You from the Remembrance of God and Obedience to His Commandments”
Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid, in the opening part of his speech during the Friday prayer sermon in Zahedan (January 17, 2025), warned about “intense affection for ‘wealth’ and ‘children'” and the “neglect of God’s remembrance due to children and material gains.”
According to the official website of the Office of the Sunni Friday Prayer Imam of Zahedan, Mawlana Abdol Hamid, after reciting the verses:
“O you who have believed, let not your wealth and your children divert you from remembrance of Allah. And whoever does that – then those are the losers. And spend [in the way of Allah] from what We have provided you before death approaches one of you and he says, ‘My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous.'” [Surah Al-Munafiqun: 9-10], remarked:

“The Almighty warns sincere believers, saying, ‘O believers! Let not your wealth and children divert you from God’s remembrance.’ Wealth and children are blessings and mercies from God and are necessary for humans, but they must not become dearer than God.”

He added, referring to the opening verses of Surah Al-Munafiqun: “The hypocrites during the early days of Islam chose hypocrisy and duplicity to safeguard their material interests, avoiding harm to their wealth and trade. Outwardly, they testified to the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and prayed behind him, even asserting the legitimacy of Islam and his Prophethood to Muslims. Yet, inwardly, they lacked true faith and called themselves ‘Muslims’ solely to protect their material gains and their children.”

No Love Should Equal Love for God
/Anyone Who Neglects Prayers or Fails to Pay ZAKAT on their Wealth is Lying in their Claim of Love for the Almighty
“The Friday prayer leader emphasized that someone who doesn’t give zakat demonstrates their preference for wealth over God because they are willing to displease God rather than lose their money. Such a person’s claim to love God the most is false. Similarly, if someone doesn’t close their shop for prayers and delays them for monetary gains, they also prioritize wealth over God. No love for anything should rival the love for God. No one, no interests, and no pleasure should take precedence over God.”

Neglecting God’s Remembrance Is Neglecting Worldly and Eternal Benefits
“Mawlana Abdol Hamid stressed the importance of always having God in our lives. He mentioned, ‘God belongs to those who remember Him. Remember God in your shop, workshop, factory, home, and wherever you are. Whoever forgets God, in fact, forgets their worldly and eternal benefits. Allah is the entity we should never forget but always remember.’”

Seek Lawful Sustenance and Practice Contentment
“The Friday prayer leader urged earning lawful income, stating, ‘Do not let your children cause neglect such that you gather unlawful and ill-gotten wealth for them. Some people resort to theft, misuse public funds, extortion, kidnapping, bribery, or engage in usury, drug distribution, and other forbidden acts just to provide for their families. What kind of wealth is this?’”

He added, “Pursue lawful sustenance, work hard, and practice contentment. Use modest capital to earn an honest livelihood. Today, people want huge profits and luxury. It isn’t necessary to own expensive cars or houses. Having shelter and avoiding debt is enough. The Prophet Muhammad sought refuge from overwhelming debt, as a debtor often breaks promises, lies, and commits errors.”

Charity Is a Cure for Greed and Stinginess
“Mawlana Abdol Hamid remarked, ‘Give charity from your wealth according to your ability. There’s no need to go overboard in spending for charity—God hasn’t commanded you to do so. By donating from your wealth, you combat excessive love for money, greed, stinginess, and hypocrisy. Before death comes and you lose the opportunity, regret, and plead for more time to give charity, spend in the path of God.’”

He concluded: “Those who give charity are the righteous servants of God. One of the signs of a righteous servant is generosity. Do not reserve all your wealth for yourself and your family. Set aside a portion of your wealth for the poor, families of prisoners, schools, mosques, and charitable causes.”


Published on : 21 January, 2025

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