Highlights of Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid’s Speech at the 16th Graduation Ceremony of Ashraf-ul-Uloom Religious School, Bampur – Thursday Night, 2 January 2025:
🔖 Our greatest honor is that Allah Almighty accepts us as His servants.
🔖 Allah has given us the invaluable treasure of the Quran, which surpasses all worldly wealth.
🔖 The Quran nurtures individuals and makes them exemplary.
🔖 When a person reforms themselves, Allah elevates their rank, even above the angels.
🔖 The Quran is a complete guide and a beacon of truth, leading humanity to the righteous path.
🔖 While the world is full of books, the Quran is unparalleled.
🔖 The Quran is an eternal miracle and the proof of Islam’s truth.
🔖 Each chapter and verse of the Quran is miraculous.
🔖 The Quran is light and guidance, curing hearts of ignorance, hypocrisy, darkness, polytheism, and disbelief. Even its recitation brings physical healing.
🔖 The Quran is more valuable than any wealth possessed by mankind.
🔖 It teaches justice, equity, piety, and the preservation of rights.
🔖 The Quran is the best book of history, faith, ethics, and laws.
🔖 Every virtue necessary for our happiness is found in the Quran.
🔖 The companions, the Prophet’s household, his pure wives, and the rightly guided caliphs derived all their strength from the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
🔖 Allah Almighty molded the companions with the Quran and the Prophet’s teachings.
🔖 The Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lead ordinary individuals to divine proximity and true humanity.
🔖 By embracing faith and implementing the character and ethics of the Prophet in our lives, we undergo transformation, as seen among the companions during the early days of Islam.
🔖 With the Prophet’s mission, Allah completed both material and spiritual blessings upon humanity.
🔖 We are the well-wishers of all humanity. To attain spiritual elevation and divine acceptance, we must return to the Quran and the Prophet’s life.
🔖 Faith, righteous deeds, and recitation of the Quran bring transformation, tranquility, and peace to life.
🔖 The companions were paragons of faith, ethics, honesty, and good deeds.
🔖 Their faith was firmer and more steadfast than mountains.
🔖 Their hearts were centers of piety, ready to embrace righteousness.
🔖 Their bond with the Prophet (peace be upon him) was so profound that nothing surpassed the joy of seeing his blessed visage, which would erase all their sorrows.
🔖 The Migrants (Muhajireen) and Helpers (Ansar) adhered to the Quran and the Prophet’s teachings so devoutly that Allah declared His pleasure with them in the Quran.
🔖 Allah promises paradise to those who follow the companions’ example.
🔖 Be a source of mercy to all humanity with good morals, hospitality, justice, excellent neighborliness, and humanity.
🔖 Those who obstruct roads, kill, take hostages, or torture lack any sense of humanity.
🔖 Those who unjustly commit murder ruin their world and the hereafter and invoke Allah’s wrath.
🔖 Blocking roads is a grave injustice to one’s community and province; the people of this region are not murderers.
🔖 Oppression, falsehood, and injustice have no place in Islam or humanity.
🔖 It is disgraceful for a person to cause grief, curses, and lamentation from others through wrongful actions.
🔖 Sadly, extremism exists among Muslims too, tarnishing their reputation.
🔖 Acting upon the Quran and obeying Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ensures ease, a good reputation, and the descent of divine mercy and blessings.
🔖 The Prophet (peace be upon him) is our role model. Following him guarantees honor in both worlds.
🔖 A true Muslim is wise, bringing mercy to the world.
🔖 A Muslim who does not bring mercy to the world is of no benefit in Islam.
🔖 Care for addicts, who ruin their lives yet deserve compassion.
🔖 Arrogance, ignorance, and anger lead to misery.
🔖 Our mission is to embody the Quran’s teachings and teach humanity.
🔖 The best lesson in humanity and ethics is your conduct.
🔖 Treat all people with kindness, respect, and dignity, regardless of their faith.
🔖 Allah created all humans equal; no race or ethnicity is superior.
🔖 A righteous path makes you a source of mercy to others.
🔖 Never lie, betray, or deceive.
🔖 Iranshahr and Bampur are among the ancient, cultural, and educated cities.
🔖 The opportunities are ripe today; learn the Quran and religion, and acquire knowledge and education—knowledge is your lost treasure.
🔖 The Quran and knowledge grant you immense capability.
🔖 If a person lacks capacity and is narrow-minded and short-sighted, their faith is incomplete.
🔖 Allah Almighty has gifted our people with talent; pursue knowledge and act upon the Sharia for prosperity.
🔖 There is work in this province; seek a profession and earn lawful sustenance.
🔖 When Allah wishes to show mercy to a nation, He appoints caring and prayerful individuals among them. Scholars, preachers, students, women of prayer, and Quran memorizers are all blessings of the Almighty.
🔖 Strengthen your relationship with Allah by attending the mosque, His house, and deepen your bond with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through recitation of salutations.
🔖 Fortunate individuals act upon good advice.