Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid, during today’s (December 27, 2024) Friday prayer in Zahedan, described the incidents and challenges in Iran and other parts of the world as “results” and emphasized the necessity of analyzing these problems and “addressing their causes.”
According to the official website of the Sunni Friday Prayer Imam of Zahedan, Mawlana Abdol Hamid stated in part of his sermon:

Throughout History, Nations Have Always Analyzed their Failures and Setbacks Instead of Blaming Others
He added: During the early period of Islam, when the companions faced defeat in the Battle of Uhud, they sought the reasons behind this loss. The Qur’an analyzed the defeat of the Muslims in this battle and revealed:
“Why, when a misfortune struck you, although you had struck them with one twice as great, you said, ‘From where is this?’ Say, ‘It is from yourselves.’” [Aal-e-Imran: 165].
The defeat was caused by the actions of a group of companions who did not heed the Prophet’s instructions to hold a strategic position and avoid abandoning it under any circumstances, which led to the enemy’s flank attack.
The Friday Imam of Zahedan emphasized: All events occurring today across the globe are “results,” and the world must examine and analyze their “causes.”
All governments and organizations should review and analyze the root causes of their issues and failures.

The Country Faces an “Unprecedented and Severe Economic Crisis” that MUST be Analyzed
The internal issues of the country must also be analyzed. Currently, the economy is neglected, and the country is experiencing a severe economic crisis, which has spiraled out of control. This crisis is unprecedented in the country’s history and is imposing extreme pressures on the people.
He stressed: The economic problems and other challenges confronting the country and its people must be reviewed and analyzed to identify their root causes.
He added: Events in Syria and other regions should also be analyzed. Unless these issues are addressed impartially, we will face even more problems in the future.

The Palestinian People Must Analyze Their Problems
In continuation of his sermon, the Friday Imam of Zahedan also stressed the necessity of analyzing the challenges of the Palestinian people, stating:
The Palestinian nation has historically been oppressed and denied its rights. This matter must also be analyzed by the Palestinians themselves to identify weaknesses and shortcomings.
He stated: My sincere and well-meaning advice to the Hamas movement is to analyze the unprecedented events in Gaza, including the massacre of women and children (such as the events of October 7), to understand the factors leading to these tragedies.
Mawlana Abdol Hamid further remarked: We and the entire world recognize that the Palestinian people are oppressed. However, I advise the oppressed Palestinian nation not to commit excesses or injustices against others. Palestinians have the right to self-defense, the struggle for the liberation of occupied lands, and the establishment of an independent state with sovereignty over their destiny. But they must also ensure that no injustice emanates from their side.
He added: All governments worldwide that have suffered setbacks must analyze and disclose the sources of these failures. Acknowledging one’s mistakes reflects courage and a high level of character.

The Oppressor MUST Fear the Consequences of Their Actions
Concluding his Friday sermon, the Friday Imam of Zahedan warned about the consequences of oppression and stated:
Allah Almighty declares: “And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do.” This verse is a warning to all oppressors worldwide.
Those who commit oppression and wreak havoc on people’s lives should not think that there is no one to hold them accountable. Allah Almighty will undoubtedly question and severely punish the oppressors.
He emphasized: Oppressors must fear the consequences of their actions and realize that oppression has no good outcome. Anyone committing oppression will face Allah’s retribution in this world.
Israel, currently oppressing the Palestinian people, should not assume immunity from Allah’s reckoning. We hope that the occupied territories will be returned to the Palestinian people, and they will achieve independence and sovereignty over their destiny.

A Society Without “Trustworthiness” Will Collapse
Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid, in the first part of his speech during the Friday prayer in Zahedan (December 27, 2024), highlighted the importance of “protecting religion, property, and lives” and “assigning responsibilities to deserving individuals” as prominent examples of “trustworthiness”. He emphasized that trustworthiness is the cornerstone of a society, and a community that lacks it will disintegrate and perish.

Breach of Trust Contradicts Faith and Morality
According to the official website of the Sunni Friday prayer leader of Zahedan, Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid recited the verse:
“Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing.” [An-Nisa: 58]
He said: “Allah Almighty commands us in the Qur’an to be trustworthy and to deliver trusts to their rightful owners, and to practice justice in judgments. The terms ‘faith’ and ‘trust’ are derived from the same root, showing that just as faith is significant and grand, so is trustworthiness in terms of morality. Where there is no trustworthiness, there is no faith.”
He added: “A hadith states: ‘He who has no trust has no faith, and he who does not keep his covenant has no religion.’ Today, trusts are being squandered in society due to weak faith. People break promises and contracts because religion is absent. Our faith commands us to honor agreements. Allah Almighty says:
‘O you who believe, fulfill [all] contracts.’ [Al-Ma’idah: 1]
Hence, it is against religion for a person to uphold a contract only when it benefits them but violate it when it is against their interest.”

Trustworthiness Is a Sign of Faith
The Zahedan prayer leader stated: “Property, whether private or public, is a trust when placed in someone’s hands, and it must be protected. Assets of schools, mosques, religious institutions, education departments, universities, organizations, and public funds are all public trusts. Adhering to these trusts is of utmost importance.”
He recalled: “Mawlana Abdul Aziz (may Allah have mercy on him), the founder of Darul Uloom Makki, was highly cautious about the trust of school and mosque funds. Sometimes, late at night, he would call, urging immediate collection of funds that had reached him from the school. He could not sleep peacefully knowing school funds were at his home. Such trustworthiness is a reflection of faith. When a person possesses faith, they value trust.”

Religion Is a Divine Trust; It Must Be Protected
Mawlana Abdol Hamid stated: “The Holy Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet, prayers, fasting, and all religious commands are trusts. Allah Almighty says:
‘Indeed, We offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant.’ [Al-Ahzab: 72]
The heavens, earth, and mountains declared their incapacity to bear this trust, but humans, equipped with ability and merit, accepted it.”
He added: “The entirety of religion is a trust, and we must guard and preserve it. We must ensure that faith continues in our society and generations after us. Neglecting religion is neglecting a trust.”

Misusing Body Parts, Wealth, and Assets Is Breaching Trust
The Zahedan preacher remarked: “Guarding one’s body is also part of ‘trustworthiness,’ as Allah has entrusted us with our hands, feet, ears, tongue, mind, and heart. All these belong to Allah, who tests us with these assets so that we do not betray Him or others. The eye is a trust of the Almighty; it must not be used to look unlawfully at others’ honor or wealth. The tongue, a divine trust, must not utter lies or accusations. It should be utilized for truth and benefit, refraining from deceit or sin.”
He continued: “if a person uses their wealth and resources, given by Allah, for sinful purposes, this constitutes a ‘breach of trust.’ Allah has not provided wealth for purchasing alcohol, drugs, paying bribes, committing oppression, or harming others. Using assets for such purposes is a misuse of trust and an act of ingratitude towards the blessings of wealth.”

Assigning Responsibilities to the Incompetent and Unqualified Is a Breach of Trust
Mawlana Abdol Hamid, in the continuation of his speech, mentioned “assigning tasks to the right people” as another example of trustworthiness and stated: “Allah Almighty says:
‘Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due, and when you judge between people, judge with justice. Indeed, Allah instructs you excellently; indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing.’ [An-Nisa: 58]
Trust must be entrusted to its rightful owners. Once, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was speaking to his companions when one of them asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, when will the Day of Judgment occur?’ He replied, ‘It will occur when trust is violated.’ The person then asked, ‘How will trust be violated?’ The Prophet responded, ‘When a task is entrusted to someone unqualified, the Day of Judgment will be upon you.’”
Mawlana Abdol Hamid continued: “Trust has a very broad and comprehensive meaning. The loss of trust is far more inclusive and complete than the loss of property. When responsibilities are assigned to the incapable or unqualified, and positions are obtained through bribes, connections, and influence, trust is violated. This type of breach of trust is very dangerous for society. Therefore, those who are entrusted with roles and responsibilities must assign tasks to the right people.”
He added: “The reason for many failures in the world is the failure to uphold trustworthiness. We must be trustworthy to Allah and to the people and live as trustworthy people. This is the best way of living.”

When You Judge, Judge Justly / Implementing Justice Ensures Global Security and Peace
The Zahedan Imam noted “judicial justice” as another example of “trustworthiness” and said: “Allah Almighty has commanded Muslims that when you judge between people, whether Muslims or non-Muslims, judge with fairness and do not overlook justice due to family ties or any other considerations. The world cannot be made secure through the police or military force alone. It is justice that sets and ensures the safety of the world and brings peace to it.”
He further recalled the incident of Hormozan, the envoy of the Persian Empire, meeting Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), saying: “When Hormozan visited Caliph Umar, he noticed that Umar was resting under a tree without any guards or protection. Hormozan, upon witnessing this, acknowledged that this was the result of Caliph Umar’s justice, which allowed him to feel such peace and security.”

Trustworthiness is the Pillar of Society; Without It, Society Collapses
At the end of this part of his speech, the Friday preacher of Zahedan pointed out: “Violating trust signals the end of the world and the onset of the Day of Judgment. A world and a humanity without trust has no good In it.”
He emphasized: “Trustworthiness is the foundation of society. When there is no trust in a society, the entire human system and order collapse, and it becomes impossible for people to continue their lives.”


Published on : 30 December, 2024

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