Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid, during today’s (December 20, 2024) Friday prayers in Zahedan, expressed regret over the rising poverty and economic challenges faced by the people. He emphasized the necessity of “consultation with various experts” in this regard and deemed “policy changes” essential for solving economic issues.
According to the official website of the Sunni Friday Prayer Office of Zahedan, Mawlana Abdol Hamid stated during his Friday sermon:
“Unfortunately, today, the country faces severe poverty, hunger, and economic problems. The current value of one US dollar has approached 80,000 tomans, whereas we expected it to drop to 10,000 or 20,000 tomans.”
He emphasized:
“The economy of the country has been abandoned, and the economic problems of the people are increasing. Unfortunately, we see no strategic plans from the authorities to control these issues and restore the value of the national currency.”
Addressing economic challenges requires consulting experts / If I held authority, I would release all political prisoners
The Friday Prayer Leader of Zahedan stressed:
“The responsibilities of the authorities are very heavy. They must not remain idle and should find solutions through consultation with others. In universities and even prisons, there are knowledgeable individuals whose perspectives should be sought and utilized.”
He remarked:
“If I held authority in this country, I would not allow political prisoners to spend even a single night in jail. This country belongs to all. Experts from academic institutions, religious circles, businesses, and various sectors of society must be consulted.”
“Policy changes” can solve economic challenges
Mawlana Abdol Hamid reiterated the need to address economic challenges, saying:
“Economic problems have solutions. During the 12th administration, I proposed measures to control the country’s economy. One newspaper had published an article dismissing my ideas, arguing that with so many economists and experts, they couldn’t resolve the issues—how could I? I responded that they should first consider my suggestions and then criticize them.”
He declared:
“The root cause of the country’s economic issues is its political challenges. Economists alone cannot resolve these economic problems; policy changes are what can make the difference. In some countries, where recent political changes have occurred, we immediately witnessed a 50% rise in the value of their currency. Change your policies, abandon some of your stances, and respect the opinions of the people; you will see the value of the currency restored.”
“Poverty” is the root of many insecurities
The Friday Prayer Leader of Zahedan further pointed out the consequences of “poverty” in society, emphasizing:
“Poverty is the root cause of many insecurities. Its spread within society undermines religion, leads individuals toward disbelief and sin, and promotes immorality within the community.”
Hostage-taking is an ‘ugly phenomenon’ and ‘the height of immorality.’
In another part of his sermon, Mawlana Abdol Hamid condemned the act of “hostage-taking” and stated:
“Unfortunately, some individuals, devoid of any sense of humanity—what Rumi describes as ‘the sheath of a human’—fearlessly kill people. Sometimes individuals are taken hostage for debt repayment or even extortion. Hostage-taking is an extremely vile phenomenon.”
He added:
“In the past, when hostage-taking wasn’t a regional issue, and one case occurred, we warned that failure to stop it would make it a significant problem in the future.”
The martyrdom of an individual taken hostage for extortion was “deeply painful and shocking.”
The Friday Prayer Leader of Zahedan referred to the martyrdom of a young man from Zahedan who had been taken hostage and said:
“Recently, an individual was abducted for the purpose of extortion and was tragically martyred. This incident was profoundly shocking and painful for us. Such events occurring in a city and province where Friday and daily prayers are offered, and gatherings honoring Quran memorization and graduates of religious and academic sciences are held, are truly heartbreaking.”
Mawlana Abdol Hamid described hostage-taking as “the height of immorality” and added:
“Even if hostage-taking is done for debt collection or loans, it remains the worst and most immoral act. There are alternative ways to recover a debt without abducting individuals. If a creditor faces an impasse and no other solution exists, they could take the debtor’s vehicle as collateral for repayment instead of abducting a person over financial issues.”
Everyone must combat hostage-taking and other forms of insecurity
The Friday Prayer Leader emphasized:
“We must all work against hostage-taking and other manifestations of insecurity. Authorities, judicial, military, and law enforcement agencies, as well as the public, must fulfill their responsibilities in this regard. Scholars, elders, and regional tribes also bear a significant duty to ensure that their youth are not misled by economic hardships or other issues, leading them to commit injustices. Everyone must join hands to eliminate hostage-taking and insecurity.”
Attacks on ambulances are “against customs and international laws” / People and officials should strive to maintain the province’s security
In the concluding section of his sermon, Mawlana Abdol Hamid strongly criticized the recent attack on an ambulance in one of the cities of Sistan and Baluchestan. He said:
“Recently, in one of the towns, an ambulance going to assist the injured came under gunfire. Attacking an ambulance that transports patients is contrary to customs and international laws. Both the nation and the government must observe international laws.”
He added:
“If ambulance drivers or traffic police officers, who oversee traffic laws and road accidents, fear being targeted en route, they will no longer dare to or be able to provide services to the public.”
The Friday Prayer Leader of Zahedan stressed:
“People and officials should work to ensure the province’s security. If anyone has issues or demands, they should express and pursue them verbally, not through violence or bullets. Maintaining the province’s security benefits everyone.”
“Neglecting the Hereafter” is a Great and Irrevocable Loss
Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid, in the first part of his sermon during the Friday prayers in Zahedan (December 20, 2024), described “neglecting the hereafter” as a major and irreparable loss. He emphasized adhering to Islamic injunctions, cultivating good morals, and embracing human qualities to attain paradise and divine pleasure.
According to the information portal of the Sunni Friday prayer leader’s office in Zahedan, after reciting verses 36 to 39 of Surah Ash-Shura, Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid stated: “Allah, the Exalted, sees the provisions and means of worldly life as insignificant and has warned against being deceived by the world. He cautions against becoming absorbed in and content with worldly life at the expense of neglecting the hereafter. Worldly blessings are transient and perish with death, but divine pleasure, as well as the blessings and honor of the hereafter, are everlasting. Thus, focusing solely on worldly life while forgetting the hereafter results in a great loss.”
Preserve Allah’s Favor through Adherence to Divine Commands and Benevolence Toward Others
The Zahedan Friday prayer leader continued, “Almighty Allah advises humanity to balance the management of both worldly and eternal matters. Worldly affairs are necessary, and individuals should engage in permissible work, trade, industry, and other means of earning a lawful livelihood, all while worshiping Allah.”
He added, “Preserving Allah’s favor is more crucial than preserving one’s life, children, and wealth. Losing Allah is irreparable. Thus, in every place, situation, and condition, we must safeguard Allah’s presence within us. This can be achieved through piety, adherence to divine instructions, goodwill toward others, and a caring and compassionate attitude.”
Islam Teaches Us Humanity
Mawlana Abdol Hamid added, “The Quran, Islam, and the lifestyle of the Holy Prophet teach humanity. They urge us to establish prayers, pay zakat, follow Islamic commandments, and adopt good morals. On the Day of Judgment, the greatest reward will be granted for good character, and no good deed will outweigh good morals on the scale of deeds.”
He further explained, “Paradise is the abode of those who avoid major sins and indecencies, display patience and forgiveness in times of anger, and obey Allah’s commands. Indecencies refer to sins involving shamelessness or overtly committed major sins.”
He remarked, “Good character is of utmost importance. Suppressing anger toward wrongdoers and showing tolerance are among the most significant moral virtues. Consultation in matters and generosity are also qualities of the people of paradise, with immense rewards for such moral actions.”
Humanity’s Duty to Show Compassion Toward All Creatures
The director of Darul Uloom of Zahedan stated, “Unfortunately, Muslims today are content with mere claims of faith, neglecting the lifestyle and morals of the Prophet, his household, and companions, which have faded in their lives, alongside their attention to ethics.”
He added, “Almighty Allah has honored and dignified humanity, creating all beings for human service. He has endowed humans with intellect, countless blessings, and appointed them as stewards on earth to implement His commands. This signifies the attention and esteem Allah has granted humanity.”
He concluded, “Humanity’s essence obliges one to uphold human dignity, display compassion, embody humane treatment and empathy, and behave with a humanistic spirit. Otherwise, one fails to truly embody the essence of being human.”
Man Achieves Perfection Through Elevated Human Qualities
Mawlana Abdol Hamid further stated: “Man attains perfection and humanity through human traits such as compassion, good character, respect, recognizing others’ rights, and honoring their dignity—not through lineage, birth certificates, or race. Even the offspring of a prophet is not considered ‘human’ without good morals. Allah Almighty mentions the son of Prophet Noah as an example in the Quran. When Noah pleaded, saying, ‘My Lord, my son is of my family, and Your promise is true that You will not destroy my family,’ Allah replied, ‘He is not of your family,’ and decreed his destruction in the flood.”
Mawlana Abdol Hamid remarked: “Today, the actions, behaviors, and words of many people contradict humanity. As Allama Rumi says: ‘Those you see in opposition to Adam’s path / are not human; they are mere human shells.’ A person who denies God, disregards His clear commandments, and neglects moral principles, even if they outwardly resemble a human being, is not truly human. Such a person is the antithesis of humanity and God.”
He added: “Oppressors who shed the blood of others without hesitation, heedlessly kill, and ignore the cries and rights of their victims are not human beings. They are encased in the form and body of humans. As Mawlana Rumi eloquently states: ‘Humanity needs humanness; without it, the fragrant agarwood becomes mere firewood.’ A person derives value from their humanity, and without it, they are worthless—just as fragrant agarwood loses its worth without its scent.”