Mawlana Abdul Hamid at the Zahedan Friday Prayer Ceremony:

The recent developments in Syria have astonished all the world’s politicians and experts

Shaikh ul Islam Mawlana Abdul Hamid, speaking today (December 14, 2024) at the Zahedan Friday Prayer Ceremony, referred to the recent developments in Syria and the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s government. He called on all politicians and experts worldwide to “reflect on” these events and “learn lessons” from them.

The former Syrian authorities failed to listen to the people
According to the information office of the Sunni Friday Prayer Imam of Zahedan, Mawlana Abdul Hamid said: The recent developments in Syria must be examined by all intellectuals and analysts worldwide. Allah the Almighty also says: «فَاعْتَبِرُوا يَا أُوْلِي الأَلْبَابِ» (So take warning, O people of vision!) meaning to take lessons and heed from the events, transformations, and ups and downs of the world.
He further added: During the “Arab Spring,” a global transformation that occurred a few years ago in many Arab countries, the Syrian people also rose to demand participation in deciding their destiny within the governance of their country. Initially, the Syrian people’s demands were logical and relatively easy to meet. The Syrian government and its officials could have listened to and fulfilled them.
The Zahedan Friday Prayer Imam remarked: Unfortunately, the former Syrian authorities did not tolerate the peaceful gatherings and demonstrations of the people, failed to listen to their voices, and resorted to violence. This led the protesters to take up arms, and Syria, once a prosperous country, suffered great losses. Many lives were lost, numerous others endured horrific conditions in prisons, and the Syrian people were subjected to immense oppression.

Most of the Syrian people supported the recent developments
Mawlana Abdul Hamid also referred to the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s government in Syria, stating: In the recent uprising in Syria, various groups and factions were involved, resulting in the majority of Syrians aligning with these developments. This movement has thus far followed a logical and constructive path, striving to move forward with minimal casualties and peacefully transfer control of the country to the Syrian people themselves.

This group managed to seize control of Syria with minimal casualties and the simplest means
The Zahedan Friday Prayer Imam stated: The concern we and the entire world held was about the approach and treatment the new ruling group in Syria would adopt. However, what amazed the global community was how this group managed to take control of the country with minimal casualties and the simplest methods.
He added: All politicians and experts predicted that extremist elements within these groups would engage in mass killings upon gaining control of regions. Contrary to all these analyses and predictions, these groups, upon gaining dominance, announced the same phrase proclaimed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during the conquest of Mecca, addressing all adversaries and opponents: «اذهبوا فأنتم الطلقاء» (“Go, for you are free.”). They declared that they would only later prosecute and punish those who had committed crimes and spilled innocent blood.

Reports from Syrian prisons cannot be expressed in words
The Zahedan Friday Prayer Imam also alluded to the condition of prisoners during Bashar al-Assad’s rule, stating: Following the rise of the new movement in Syria, prisons were opened, and reports and accounts of the conditions within these prisons have emerged. These accounts reveal atrocities that are indescribable and unspeakable.

Recent movements in Syria emphasized respect for the people and religious sanctities
Mawlana Abdul Hamid continued: Another remarkable point is that these groups paid attention to the people. Typically, when a coup takes place in a country, the coup leaders firmly consolidate power, often postponing elections for years. However, during Syria’s recent developments, these groups, after taking control of the country, declared the military as a national asset and encouraged government employees to remain in their positions until a new government is elected by the people. They also stated that they are not the government and that the next government will be chosen by the people.
He also pointed to the treatment of religions and sects during Syria’s recent developments, saying: Another concern many had was how the new group in control would interact with other religions and sects and what would happen to the graves and sites of revered figures respected by various faiths and denominations. However, when the new groups came to power, they announced that Syria belongs to all ethnic groups, religions, and sects; that all are free to practice their beliefs; and that everyone’s interests in the country are safeguarded. They also emphasized having positive relations with neighboring countries, other nations, and their peoples.

We must judge fairly; the recent movement in Syria follows the right path
The Friday Prayer Imam of Zahedan affirmed: We must judge fairly and justly. All these aspects indicate that the movement in Syria is on the right path. Analysts worldwide, including those in our media, share the opinion that this movement has adopted a rational approach and, thus far, has shown no significant weaknesses. If it had, we would have suggested corrections.
He added: The delay in the Syrian revolution’s success and the people’s movement was to gain experience and ensure alignment with the correct path. In the recent movement, international norms and human rights were also considered.

History must be a lesson, and attention must be given to the people
Mawlana Abdul Hamid emphasized the necessity of “learning from history” and “focusing on the people,” saying: Some high-ranking officials in our country had previously advised Bashar al-Assad to engage with his people and address their demands, but he ignored this advice and faced this fate. This implies that some of our officials have also realized that the people are the core, and their voices must be heard and their demands addressed. Everyone must learn from history and such transformations.

The people are the rightful owners of the country; their voices must be heard, and their demands addressed
The interests and problems of the Iranian people take precedence over other countries’ issues
The Zahedan Imam stated: We believe everyone should pay attention to the people. No country belongs to a single group; it belongs to all its citizens. The people are the rightful owners of the country, and governments, parliaments, and administrations derive their legitimacy and resources from the people. Thus, the people must be considered. Our consistent message, without extremism or radicalism, has been that the voices of women, youth, academics, and the general public should be heard and that authorities should seize the opportunity to listen to the people.
He stressed: We have repeatedly pointed out that you should focus on the interests of the Iranian people because it is the people of Iran who stand by you. This nation and this land are your true assets, and your priority should be this nation and this land above all else. There must be kindness and solutions to the people’s problems. The issues of the Iranian people outweigh the problems of other nations.

The Iranian people endured the greatest pressures during the 13th administration
Mawlana Abdul Hamid said: The Iranian people suffered the most pressures and losses under the 13th administration. Ethnic groups and sects faced severe harm; many prayer halls were shut down, with some significant ones entirely confiscated. Various institutions and agencies exerted pressure on the people, a situation that continues, despite pressure being ineffective.
He added: The people of Iran are intelligent. Engage with them with dialogue, openness, and foresight to address their demands. Governments can resolve their problems by paying attention to and addressing the people’s needs.


Published on : 16 December, 2024

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