Mawlana Abdol Hamid during the Friday prayer ceremony in Zahedan:

Allow Dr. Pezeshkian to fulfill his promises

Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid, today (August 9, 2024) during the Sunni Friday prayer ceremony in Zahedan, referring to the impact of Dr. Pezeshkian’s slogans and promises on the people’s participation in the recent presidential election, considered the fulfillment of Pezeshkian’s promises beneficial for the country and emphasized that he should be given free rein to fulfill these promises.

The people’s protest movement in Bangladesh was against “discrimination” and “tyranny”/ Future leaders of Bangladesh should not be despotic and should act for the people
According to the official website of Sunni Friday Imam of Zahedan, Mawlana Abdol Hamid at the beginning of his speech referred to the recent events in Bangladesh and said: Last week an instructive event occurred in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, one of the women managed to gain the support and approval of the people with good slogans and took power. She acted well for a few years, such that there was freedom in the country and the situation somewhat improved, but over time the rule in this country moved towards tyranny and dictatorship, discrimination expanded, freedoms were restricted, and harsh actions were taken against writers and intellectuals, and many scholars and religious people were imprisoned and many were executed. Those who held power forgot their previous slogans and claimed ownership of the country.
He added: Protest movements took place in Bangladesh and the Prime Minister fled, and the people’s uprising in Bangladesh bore fruit. We hope the people of Bangladesh have a good and bright future and that those who take power from now on will not be despotic and will act in a people-oriented manner

The fate of the government in Bangladesh should be a lesson for other governments
The Friday Imam of Zahedan said: Successful governments in the world are those that are popular, stand by the people, think about the people’s interests, give them freedom, allow criticism, and freedom of speech and writing, and the officials are ready to accept criticism; such governments can endure.
He emphasized: The fate of the government in Bangladesh should be a lesson for other governments in the world to be popular and to remain committed to the slogans they give about freedom, justice, and the rights of the people until the end.

The Iranian nation is facing an “economic crisis” and a “discrimination crisis”
Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid in another part of his speech during the Friday prayer ceremony in Zahedan said: The Iranian nation has recently endured many sufferings. Our people are facing various crises, especially the economic crisis and the crisis of discrimination and inequality. In recent years, a significant gap has developed between the people and the government and state, until the recent presidential election was held and the Iranian nation accepted Mr. Pezeshkian’s slogans, which focused more on the wounds, demands, and problems of the people, and came to the scene again, calling for the elimination of discrimination, the implementation of justice, and the provision of freedoms.
He added: Dr. Pezeshkian has now sworn in as president. Of course, Mr. Pezeshkian has not yet formed his cabinet, and the management of the country is still practically in the hands of the remnants of the previous government, but our recommendation is that Mr. Pezeshkian remain steadfast on his electoral slogans and promises, which the Iranian people accepted as their last hope, and implement those promises.

Dr. Pezeshkian must take significant and effective steps in “eliminating discrimination” and “implementing justice”
Except for the ill-minded, the entire Iranian nation supports the employment of various ethnicities and religions

The Friday Imam of Zahedan said: Eliminating discrimination and implementing justice is one of the important demands of the Iranian nation that Dr. Pezeshkian must take significant and effective steps in this regard.
He continued: Mr. Pezeshkian must employ capable women and people from different ethnicities and religions in his cabinet and government. Attention to ethnicities and religions is very vital and important because ethnicities and religions are the beautiful symbols of Iran and are the foundations for national unity and cohesion and the preservation of territorial integrity and are sources of pride. Different ethnicities, religions, thoughts, and tastes are opportunities for Iran. Employing various ethnicities and religions is the best and most correct policy that, except for the ill-minded and narrow-minded, the entire Iranian nation supports and this policy will strengthen and stabilize the country.

The dignity of women, journalists, and other groups must be preserved
He further emphasized the “provision of freedoms” and said: The provision of freedoms is also very vital and important. The dignity of journalists and other social groups, and the dignity of women even if they have a specific view and opinion on the issue of hijab, must be preserved. God’s command is to speak to people in a beautiful manner and to treat them well.

Only “Proper Policies” Can Ensure “Security”
Mawlana Abdol Hamid stated: No approach can be as beneficial and effective for maintaining national security as “proper policies.” Correct and appropriate policies bring peace and security. Militarizing the country, the province, the city of Zahedan, which has been securitized for some time now, and militarizing prayer halls, mosques, and markets is not the solution; if it brings security, it is temporary. Lasting and sustainable security requires correct policies.
He emphasized: The success of Dr. Pezeshkian’s administration lies only in being popular and standing by the people, and this policy can bring security and peace and solve problems.

The Fulfillment of Dr. Pezeshkian’s Promises is Beneficial for the Country
Mawlana Abdol Hamid emphasized: Our recommendation is to give Dr. Pezeshkian free rein and allow him to fulfill his promises because his promises are beneficial for the country. If Mr. Pezeshkian is constrained in fulfilling his promises and cannot deliver, the Iranian nation will become completely disillusioned and lose its last hope.
He stated: Individuals should not be imposed on Mr. Pezeshkian when selecting his cabinet; rather, he should be free and able to bring capable and competent individuals to power as he promised.

If You Care About the Country, Do Not Be Narrow-Minded and Remove the Strict Selection Criteria”
The Friday Imam of Zahedan said: A leader should have a broad vision. I sincerely and kindly advise you to broaden your perspective and remove strict selections. Overlook some faults; if someone does not adhere to prayer but possesses competence, dedication, conscience, and knowledge, do not deprive them of management roles. Someone who prays and stays up at night but is narrow-minded and lacks the necessary competence and capability is detrimental to you and will cause dissatisfaction among the people.
He noted: The Iranian nation has endured many hardships so far and today faces severe problems and crises in the economic sector and other areas. Therefore, do not impose more problems and hardships on this nation and allow Mr. Pezeshkian full authority to bring capable and competent individuals to power, as the president, as the executive manager of the country, must answer to the people. If you care about the country, the people, and yourselves, do not be narrow-minded and approve competent and educated individuals to come to power.

The Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh Has Exacerbated Crises in the Middle East/ The International Community Should Restrain the Aggressor Israel
In another part of his speech, Mawlana Abdol Hamid referred to the existing crises in the Middle East and said: The Middle East is facing many crises. Unfortunately, the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh has exacerbated these crises and intensified tensions.
He added: If the scope of this war and conflict expands, the danger is that its flames will engulf the entire region. Therefore, our request from the international community and the people of the world is to restrain the aggressor Israel, which is unwilling to resolve the issue.
The Friday Imam of Zahedan said: How long will this war and bloodshed continue?! Palestinians and Israelis who are killed in these wars are all human beings. The loss of human lives from any side must be prevented. A fair resolution and settlement is the best solution and approach.

People Are Suspicious About Recent Murders in the Province; Judicial and Security Authorities Must Be Accountable
Mawlana Abdol Hamid expressed concern about the occurrence of “suspicious murders” in Sistan and Baluchistan and said: Recently, suspicious murders have occurred in our province. Some scholars and some merchants and shopkeepers have been assassinated, and it is unclear who the terrorists are. People are suspicious about these blind killings because the perpetrator has not been apprehended yet.
He emphasized: The responsibility of officials, including the judiciary, security, and law enforcement agencies, is very heavy in this regard, as these agencies are responsible for the lives and security of the people and must answer for the security of the people. Ensuring security, health, and the economy is very important and is one of the duties of any government, with security being a top priority.
The Friday preacher of Zahedan added: Due to the carelessness of individuals among the military and law enforcement forces, painful incidents often occur on the roads and borders, resulting in the deaths of women, children, fuel carriers on the roads and seas, or porters at the Iran-Iraq border. All of them are our dear compatriots, and we are responsible for them, as they resort to fuel carrying and porting out of necessity and hunger.

Execution for Drug-Related Offenses Has Yielded No Results for the Country
Mawlana Abdol Hamid criticized the “increase in executions in the country” and said: Unfortunately, executions have recently increased in the country. These executions are not in the best interest of religion, the country, or the nation. Executions for drug-related offenses are not the correct approach, and since the beginning of the revolution, these executions have yielded no results other than leaving families without breadwinners.
He added: There are better and easier solutions to prevent drug trafficking instead of killing and executing individuals.

“Political Murders” Are the Worst Kind of Killings in the World
Mawlana Abdol Hamid also strongly condemned “political murders” and said: Political murders are very ugly and the worst kind of killings in the world. These killings must be stopped.
In the final part of his speech, the Friday Imam of Zahedan said: The recent incident involving a migrant and the incident that happened to a girl in our country, which was also covered by the media worldwide, although these incidents are isolated, they tarnish the country’s reputation. Many people around the world say that such incidents and treatments are far from civilized behavior.
He emphasized: Our recommendation to the officials is to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the country.


Published on : 10 August, 2024

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