Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid congratulated Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian on his victory in the 14th round of the presidential election in a message to him and the noble people of Iran. In this message, Mawlana Abdol Hamid called “fundamental change and transformation” the most important message of the “increased participation in the second round of elections” and addressed the president of the 14th government, saying: “With the start of the government’s work, at the first opportunity, the Iranian people will expect you to abide by the covenant and commitment you have made with the nation.”
According to the website of the Zahedan Sunni Friday Imam’s Office, the text of Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid’s message is as follows:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Honorable Dr. Pezeshkian; President-elect of the Noble People of Iran
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you
I congratulate you on your victory in the 14th round of the presidential election to you and especially to the proud people of Iran. Of course, I will postpone the final congratulations to Your Excellency for your success in fulfilling your goals and promises – which the Iranian nation came to the scene considering those promises.
Honorable Dr. Pezeshkian!
As you are aware, we experienced the most different elections in the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran. From the perspective of all experts and politicians, the non-participation of more than 60% of eligible voters in the first round of elections was a clear protest against the status quo and was a clear message of public disgust and the gap between the nation and the implementation of unbalanced and unbalanced policies.
Honorable Mr. Pezeshkian!
Despite the mobilization of all media and the presentation of unrealistic statistical claims about the country’s progress and the improvement of people’s lives, as well as the extensive efforts of power layers in all institutions to accompany the nation and participate in the elections, the aware Iranian nation presented its message on June 28th in the most eloquent possible way by staying at home. Of course, it is a matter of thought and satisfaction that all informed people, especially the majority of rulers and officials of the system, have received this message well.
According to informed social activists and based on field research, the wave that was created in the second stage and caused an increase in the number of voters was another “protest” message; indicating that the Iranian people want “fundamental change and transformation”.
Honorable President!
You consciously and wisely raised the demands of the dear people of Iran in the debates, especially in the second stage; you spoke of discrimination, injustice, non-employment of qualified people and brain drain and elite flight, and emphasized the implementation of justice and the realization of freedom and the role of ethnicities, religions and sects. The wise and informed people of Iran observed your new approach and presented their second message of “creating change” by electing you.
The intelligent people of Iran, in fact, with the “tactic of retreat” in the first stage and “presence in the field” in the second stage, gave their message and scored the victory goal in a way that stunned the world.
It is worth noting that; Since you have stated that you do not belong to any party, the votes you received are the votes of the masses of the Iranian people.
Honorable Mr. Pezeshkian!
The Iranian people, who are tired of the current situation and are weary of numerous political, economic and social pressures, and the underprivileged classes have broken their bones under the burden of livelihood problems, will continue their civil activities and efforts until the full realization of their rightful demands, including the implementation of justice and freedom, the removal of narrow-mindedness, the improvement of livelihood, the realization of a dynamic economy, the return of international prestige and the achievement of national interests and rights.
Mr. Pezeshkian!
Be sure that this wise nation will not leave you alone on the way to achieving your rightful demands and realizing high national ideals and will support you in all fields.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that your covenant and commitment to pursue the rightful demands of the Iranian nation and initiate the desired changes will not be forgotten by the memory of this aware nation, and it is natural that with the start of the government’s work, at the first opportunity, the Iranian people will expect to abide by the covenant and commitment you have made with the nation, and it is clear that negligence and disregard of this important matter by your team will once again turn hopes into despair, tongues into criticism, and enthusiasm into dissatisfaction and disappointment.
I hope that with reliance on Allah Almighty and attention to the problems of the good people of Iran, you will be successful and supported.
(Mawlana) Abdol Hamid
Sunni Friday Imam of Zahedan
July 6, 2024