Iran’s Sunni leader criticizes the state officials:

Due to Wrong Policies, Weak Bureaucrats Run Country

The most influential Iranian Sunni leader considered the current economic and political status of Iran as the result of appointing weak and incompetent authorities and managers, and emphasized the need to put the national interests of the country first.
Shaikh Abdol-Hamid was talking to tens of thousands of people in Zahedan’s Grand Musalla on March 10, 2023.

“We believe that we should not be limited to the boundaries of our own country, but we must think about the entire world. If we cannot do anything for the people of the world, we can at least pray for them. We live in this country, and we have many commonalities with the world. We have patriotic and Islamic fraternity with all Iranians. Therefore, the priority of our national interests is vital,” said the Iranian top Sunni cleric.

The Friday prayer leader of Sunnis in Zahedan continued his speech by saying: “Security, freedom, and justice are the most important concerns of all Iranians. All Iranians, including women and men and old and youth, share the national interests; we think of these issues. We believe that our national interests must be the first priority of the country. Iran belongs to all Iranians, and all must enjoy its interests equally. Allah has put a big treasure in our country. We do not have a shortage of talent in the country. The potential of our country is very high, and all know this.”

“We have weaknesses in the management of the country and this problem has worried all. The current critical situation of Iran is the result of wrong policy. A policy that poor and weak managers can run the affairs, and this is harmful for the country, Shaikh Abdol-Hamid believed.

He questioned: “Why should the Iranian people suffer from economic problems and endure hunger? Why this nation faces the economic and living problems? Why this country does not compete with other countries?”

“The main concern of the country is the presence of weak directors and bureaucrats. As long as people do not have full freedom in the country, problems are not resolved. We must reconsider our policies that have weakened the country and brought us here. We have talented and capable people in the country who have abilities to run all state affairs. If we had strong administrators, we would not have struggle with these problems today,” said the president of Darululoom Zahedan.

He continued: “We have said many times that our domestic and foreign policies were wrong. The rights of all, including women and religious and ethnic communities should be respected. Problems are not resolved until these rights are not observed. Problems will not be resolved until people do not enjoy full freedom in the country. Freedom is the right of all human beings. We emphasize on human rights. These issues should be followed up. We believe that the country needs a sweeping change in all sectors and affairs. We do not go beyond the truth and do not believe that we should violate anyone’s right.”

We have been following the case of the Bloody Friday
Shaikh Abdol-Hamid referred to the case of Zahedan’s Bloody Friday and said: “We have been following the case of the Bloody Friday incident of Zahedan. Some steps have been taken, but they are insufficient. We believe everyone’s rights must be observed. In order to follow up the case and to reach to a result, everyone should carry out his duty.”

“Peaceful protests are rights of people; people can raise their demands through peaceful protests. You, the people of Zahedan have been protesting for more than five mouths, and we have been following your rights. We hope Almighty Allah will help us,” said the prominent scholar of Iranian Balochistan in his latest Friday sermons of Zahedan.

Many women have abilities that men have not/ scientific grounds should be provided for women
Continuing his Friday speech of Zahedan, the most influential Iranian Sunni leader referred to the women’s rights, saying: “Regarding the women issue, we have to see the conditions of the present age. Wherever governments rule in the name of religion and Islam, they should consider the conditions of the modern age, and let women serve in different scientific and social fields”

“As humans are the heart of the universe, women are the hearts of the human. Women have the rights that men have. Men and women are equal in rights. Women’s rights and dignity should be observed. There must be grounds in scientific arenas for women. If we want to spread Islam in the present situation, we should consider these issues,” he added more.

The most outstanding Iranian Sunni leader shed light on the importance of education for women and said: “No government or system should ban women from education. The holy Qur’an has never differed between male and female in getting knowledge. This is permission for women to progress in scientific arenas. Women and men have not been forced to learn, but there should be grounds for them to learn and educate. Universities and religious schools should be open for everyone. Everyone should be inspired to learn and get education.”

Mawlana Abdol-Hamid added more: “Science gives ability to the people. Many women have abilities that men do not have. Women should gain science and knowledge. There is no obstacle for women in learning knowledge. Unfortunately, some local customs have overcome the orders of Islam regarding the rights of women in many areas. We should not dominate local customs and traditions on Islamic culture. I would like to advise everyone to meet the right of women. Women have abilities and wisdom. In the modern age, both men and women are working. In many families, men cannot afford expenditures alone, but women also provide expenditures. Women also need jobs.”

Listen to the youth
The Iranian Baloch Sunni leader referred to the rights of youth, saying: “The youth are very important. In many societies, most people plan for the young generation. Young people are hopeful of their future and their lives. Do not treat them harshly. Youth should be respected and should have a great place in society. Listen to the youth and meet their demands. Governments must plan for all.”

The people of our region have been suffering from national identity problems
The president of Darululoom Zahedan alluded to the birth certificate and identity document problems in Iranian Balochistan and said: “One of the main problems in our province is the identity problem. Many people have no birth certificates and identity cards. They have been living in Iran and their forefathers were born here and fought in defense of this country. They have been struggling to solve their problem; however, some citizens have got identity documents, but most of them have not got due documents yet. This is a huge problem in the region. They should not be arrested, because they are Iranians.”

In his last points, Shaikh Abdol-Hamid stated that the Taliban government should solve the issue of the water of Hirmand River, because the people of Sistan have been suffering from the lack of water for years. “Having sufficient water is their right,” he said.


Published on : 12 March, 2023

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