Pointing out to the failed coup attempt in Turkey in his sermon of July 22, 2016, Shaikh Abdol-Hamid termed it a ‘big good news for all minded nations’.

Talking to tens of thousands in the Grand Makki Masjid of Zahedan, Khateeb and Friday Imam of Sunnis in Zahedan said, “The coup attempt in Turkey was failed by the blessings of Allah. It was a blessing not only for the Turkish nation, but a good news for all minded and free nations.”

“Coup is an illegal and anti-democracy act. It is the biggest threat to the scientific, political and reconstructive developments. Turkey has been in regression due to multiple coups, otherwise Turkey and Turkish people were in the level of a country like Germany,” he added more.

The rector of Darululoom Zahedan further said, “By the will of Allah, it was the last coup in Turkey. Hereafter the anti-religion elements would not be able to rule on Turkey. The Turkish nation, government and the rest of Muslim states are in a big test nowadays to resolve their problems by foresight and open mind.”

Incompetency of UN for resolving ME crises wouldn’t be forgotten
Alluding to the Nice assault of France, the prominent Islamic scholar said, “The message of such incidents is that the people of France and the rest of the world should meditate about the reasons of this act. It should be clear for all that war is not an adequate solution to end such attacks and incidents. War just creates more violence, hatred and enmity.”

Expressing his regret on the ‘incompetency of the UN and SC’, the member of the Muslim World League said, “We have not imagined the UN, Security Council and the powers of the region are disable to resolve the problems in the Middle East to this scale.”

“The incompetency of the UN and the leaders of influential states in termination of bloodshed in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and other countries will remain forever in their record.”

He added more, “The reason behind the continuous bloodshed and genocides is that all so-called super powers only think of their own interests. Unless they do not get their interests, more and more people should lose their lives ruthlessly. Unfortunately there is no any sympathy in this regard.”

The rector of Darululoom Zahedan urged, “The nations’ demand is that the organizations such as the UN and Security Council should meditate and find out working solutions for the crises of the Middle East. The best solution is distribution of power.”

Purification of heart & Namaz, the pivots of self-reformation
In the first part of his sermon, Khateeb of Sunnis in Zahedan said, “Islam has asked its followers to clean up themselves from outward and inward filths and abominations such as Kufr, Shirk, hypocrisy and immoralities. Love of money, position, greed and selfishness are also immorality.”

“A heart that is free of doctrinal and practical evils, it will not be thirsty for misdeeds. Only a sane and clean heart can remain safe and enter the Paradise. Thus all should work hard to clean their hearts from bad beliefs and morals.”

Alluding to the second pivot of self-reformation, Mawlana Abdol-Hamid said, “The second pivot in the self-reformation process is Namaz –five time daily prayers. But it cannot be achieved unless the first point, cleaning the heart, is not obtained. As some people only show copy of prayers and their prayers are not real ones, because their hearts are not cleaned of filths.”

He concluded his points by saying, “Love of money, post and acquisitiveness are the biggest decays. A man that is involved in the love of the world and money cannot purify his soul and offer a real prayers.”


Published on : 31 July, 2017

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