The outstanding Iranian Sunni leader, Shaikh Abdol-Hamid Isma’eelzahi, has been banned from taking part in a conference to be held by the Muslim World League in Makkah Mukarramah.

The office of Shaikh Abdol-Hamid, Khateeb and Friday Imam of Sunnis in Zahedan, Iran, confirmed that he was banned from the conference due to ‘some problems’. The conference – Islamic World, Problems and solutions ”2″- will be held in Makkah on March 02, 2014 (1-3/05/1435 AH).

The rector of Darululoom Zahedan, one of the guests invited to take part in the conference announced his absence in a letter to the General Secretary of the MWL, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulmohsen Al-Turki.

Shaikh Abdol-Hamid pointed out to the critical situations of Muslims and Muslim countries in his letter, saying, “The Muslim Ummah faces unprecedented challenges and crises in the current era; disputes and mistrust have been prevailed in Muslim states. People have been deprived of their due rights; religious and ethnic minorities have anxieties about their liberties and deadlock in their demands for civil and religious rights.”

“In many Muslim countries, rulers have been fighting with their nations; they are not ready to talk and negotiate with their people. Unfortunately, there are severe disagreements and mistrust among the Muslim rulers as they avoid to sit together and find any solutions for the ongoing problems of Muslims,” he underlined in a part of his letter to the GS of the Muslim World League.

The member of the International Union for Muslim Scholars refused any intervention by the West and strangers in the internal issues of Muslims as they follow only their own interests.

Mawlana Abdol-Hamid suggested formation of a board of “Muslim Ulama and intellectuals” in order to find solutions for the current crises. He wrote, “As Muslim nations respect their Ulama and consider their recommendations, I think there should be a board of prominent Muslim Ulama and intellectuals including elites and preachers. This board can strive to pave the way for negotiations between governments and their masses and other different parties and communities.”

At the end of his letter, he apologized over his absence in the conference, making Du’a to Allah Almighty for the success of this conference in finding solutions for the crises of Muslims.


Published on : 1 March, 2014

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