Khateeb of Ahl-us-Sunnah in Zahedan posited Islam a comprehensive and extensive divine religion that includes all sides of human life and ensures due rights for all with implementation of justice on January 18, 2013.

Talking to tens of thousands in Zahedan city, he pointed, “If the world surrenders to Islam and the noble Qur’an, the entire globe would change to a garden; rosary of spirituality, morals and correct tenets. These are real gardens which are everlasting, not the worldly gardens which remain dry and fruitless in autumn and winter. The divine garden of Islam is always green and prosperous. Because these are the good deeds of people which would be returned in the shape of paradise; as misdeeds change into the Hell and fire.”

Expounding the Qur’anic verse: «إِنَّ اللّهَ يَأْمُرُ بِالْعَدْلِ وَالإِحْسَانِ وَإِيتَاء ذِي الْقُرْبَى وَيَنْهَى عَنِ الْفَحْشَاء وَالْمُنكَرِ وَالْبَغْيِ يَعِظُكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ» [النحل: 90], (Allah enjoins to do justice and to adopt good behavior and to give relatives (their due rights), and forbids shameful acts, evil deeds and oppressive attitude. He exhorts you, so that you may be mindful), Shaikh said this verse leads mankind to the highest status of morals and prosperity. When representatives of “Aktham Sayfi” heard this verse from Holy Prophet, peace & blessings be upon him, with his introduction, all of them and their entire tribe embraced Islam.

He added more, “Adopting such unique verses ensure peace in the world. The long-researched plans of the UN and Security Council have been failed to maintain peace and security over the globe. If they truly want to bring peace and uproot ethnic, regional and international conflicts, so the only remedy is what Islam teaches. Allah says all prophets came to implement justice; it is an important obligatory in Islamic point of view. Allah states: «لَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلَنَا بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ وَأَنزَلْنَا مَعَهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْمِيزَانَ لِيَقُومَ النَّاسُ بِالْقِسْطِ» [حدید: 25], (We have indeed sent Our messengers with clear proofs, and sent down with them the Book and the Balance, so that people may uphold equity.)

Talking more on the topic, Khateeb of Ahl-us-Sunnah said some people think Islam is limited to establishing prayers and observing fast. Prayers, fasting and other ritual worships are constructive for mankind; but the frame of Islam is wider. Islam is a comprehensive religion that has directions for all aspects of human life. It guarantees rights of all; neighbors, relatives, parents and others. It is the religion of morality.

He underlined saying Islam gives honor to humanity; it has made mankind dignified. If somebody wants to go on the track of Islam, there is no any choice but to realize the rights of others. We see bloodshed, massacre of people, destruction of houses in many states; all of them the results of injustice. Islam urges on justice and people of the world can get rid of insecurity by following Islam completely.     

Injustice; root of wars, insecurity
Mawlana Abdol-Hameed urged on implementation of justice and equality in all fields counting injustice main cause of all wars, insecurity and protests across the world in a part of his latest Friday speech.

Islam gives value to mankind and provides them development and prosperity. A true Muslim has no choice but to realize the rights, freedom and dignity of other people. There are wars, repressions and conflicts around the world; insecurity is increasing day by day just thanks to injustice and absence of morals and equality, he added more.

Khateeb of Ahl-us-Sunnah went on saying, “If the international community wants elimination of ‘terrorism’, implementation of justice is the only remedy. Voice of the voiceless and oppressed people must be listened. The world neglected the demand of Palestinians; in the result insecurity has spread across the globe. Execution of equality ensures fraternity, solidarity and peace for all nations.”

Establishment of an impartial government can save Iraq

Alluding to the ongoing anti-government protests in Iraq, Shaikh Ismaeelzahi said the world has been witnessing a nation-wide protest movement against the discriminative policies and rules of PM al-Maleki. Not only Sunni citizens have demands, but also some Shiite sides supported the recent protests as they suffer too. However, marginalization of Sunnis forced them to take to streets widely. Iraqis say they are deprived of their basic rights; they want impartial participation in government.

He further said, “Some elements claim the current protests for the due rights have been sponsored and inspired by ‘international Zionism and arrogant powers’; it is a wrong idea. When rulers go away of the straight path by carrying out unjust stances and policies, we witness such demonstrations. It is natural some international opportunist elements add fuel to the fire. But the only way to fight with them is to disappoint them by execution of justice in the Muslim society.”

He underlined, “We would like to suggest Iraqi rulers to listen the voice of their people taking care of the rights of them. All Shais, Sunnis, Christians, etc are the owners of Iraq; it does not belong to any particular sect. both Shias and Sunnis, Arabs and non-Arabs should run their country. In multi-sect and multi-race states like Iraq and Iran all sides should be given chance to take part in administrating of their country. Unity and peace can be achieved by participation of all sects and races in the government indiscriminately. Iraq can remain safe by establishment of a nonreligious and non-ethnic government.”

Iran’s Sunni community awaits implementation of justice & national participation
The outstanding Sunni leader, Shaikh Abdol-Hameed, pointed out to the marginalized Sunni community’s demands on the verge of 34th anniversary of Iran’s public revolution in Iran. He stated Iran’s Sunnis await execution of justice and participation in administration of the country yet. State-sanctioned discrimination must be removed; how much we should endure repressive policies? Why our youths can not get job in government departments and armed services?

He urged saying, “I am not affiliated with any political wing; as a student I think independently. I am well-wisher of all wings, sects and parties. I believe rule of a single wing or group is not according to the interests of the country. Neither reformist nor principled wings can run the country alone. Iran does not belong only to Shia or Sunni community. Both Shias and Sunnis endure sanctions imposed by the US and other states. Sunnis bear more damages than others in the ongoing situation.”

We belong to Iran and we are not strangers; our dignity should be preserved. It is unacceptable that in Sunni-populated regions only 10 or 20 Sunni men out of 250 personnel can get job. Sunnis are your brothers; they should be recruited in security departments and armed services, he urged.

The member of the IUMS said more, “Iran’s Sunnis have been supporting security officials to maintain peace of the country. Beside the security authorities, Sunni citizens including scholars, educated class, tribal elders and common people strived to maintain peace. Implementation of justice and giving rights to all sides and groups are legal demands. We hope the Iranian rulers would witness the circumstances spread across the globe and listen to their masses.”

Presidential election needs an open-minded scope
Indicating to the 11th presidential election in Iran, Shaikh asked for ‘foresight’ and ‘wide-view’ in this regard. He said that the rulers must take the matter with open minds; the nation should see a group of talented nominates to vote for the best. This field should not be limited.

Military intervention of France in Mali; a big blunder
At the end of his sermon, Shaikh Abdol-Hameed condemned the military intervention of France in Mali counting it an obvious example of cruelty, extortion and arrogance of so-called super powers. He said what France is doing and some other states want to follow her is a big blunder.

He underlined France is afraid of Islamists who got the rule in some parts of their country; thus France assaulted Mali. Whenever powers like France see Islamist parties getting power, they intervene and make efforts to stop them. Such interventions are dangerous for occupying powers; they are not allowed to attack any independent state with particular borders. May Allah bestow victory to the right and destroy the false.    



Published on : 22 January, 2013

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