In the last part of his sermon, Shaikh Abdol-Hameed Ismaeelzahi indicated toward assassination of ‘Haji Haidar Baroque’, a tribal chief in Khash city and stated, ‘Killing innocent human who has not killed anyone is illegal. The Holy Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) prohibited three things in “Hajjat-ul-Widaa”: blood of the believers and their wealth and honor.’
Khateeb of Ahl-us-Sunnah had premonition of ‘hidden hands’ which strive to create tribal disputes and clashes in the region. ‘We must be discreet and vigilant; some elements want to turn us to the era of ignorance before Islam. Tribal partiality and intolerance must not be seen in society once again. We all are offspring of Adam and Eve. These tribes are just for identity not bias and pride,’ he added more.
Shaikh asked the security officials to detain the culprits as soon as possible. Masses should help the oppressed to get his due right in accordance with the law. If any individual commits any crime like killing, so only that person should be pursued not the entire tribe.
At the end, prominent Sunni leader called on tribal elders and influential individuals to play their role in order to resolve such affrays and halt possible extension of them.


Published on : 9 April, 2012

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